A national charity that delivers professionally led self management pain education in the community.

Self-management means you being back in control, not the pain controlling you.

Are you in pain or supporting someone in pain?


Are you a medical professional?

Coronavirus – COVID-19

Recent Updates

Following the easing of restrictions in 2022, we have been re-starting many of the local groups in a face-to-face setting.

As the majority of the restrictions continue to ease, we continue to balance the needs of people who use the service with public health advice and guidance.  Whilst many of us are beginning to enjoy the various relaxation of rules, there are many who are still rather anxious to gather in a group setting in a public place or indeed those who are at higher risk of contracting the virus such as those with weakened immune systems and we therefore must remain respectful of this.

For all those who are attending the group meetings or self-management courses in a face-to-face setting, can we ask you to be mindful of the current guidance on NHS Inform - https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-covid-19 around staying at home if you feel unwell or have tested positive.  This helps ensure our service users and staff remain safe.

Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.

If you have any queries regarding this please do not hesitate to contact us on 01738 629503


Peter’s Story

Hear about one of our service users who has chronic pain as a result of an industrial accident.  He was told there was nothing else for him and that he would be in chronic pain for the rest of his life.

Latest on the Blog

Our service is specifically designed to target those in the community who are affected by Long Term (Chronic Painful) Conditions.

We continue to address the non-medical issues which impact on people’s lives. The service is open to anyone regardless of diagnosis, at any time and provides a high quality staff led community based service for people burdened with all forms of chronic pain.

My GP gave me told me about Pain Association Scotland and so have spent some time exploring your website. ‘Thank you’ is not enough to convey my gratitude to all those involved in creating this site. Plus all those involved in the support groups.
— Latest Testimonial



with Phil Sizer, Lead Trainer

with Phil Sizer, Lead Trainer

with Phil Sizer, Lead Trainer